Sunday 19 April 2015

FOA Reflection

Further Oral Activity Reflection

The further oral activity was centred around the question "how is language and it's use affected by lower social class?" I answered the question through analysis of a rap song and a poem, and the aspects of each that help support my argument. In my case, I had wished to evoke the idea that lower social class can affect language in a negative and positive way. When growing up in environments typical of the lower class, education is a risk, and therefore language skills are risked as well. Through the chosen texts, one could see the relationship between the background described, and the resulting outcome of their language use. I showed several examples of this in the texts, as the lower class shone through the language, majorly AAVE.

Overall, I do feel that the actual presentation went quite well. I was successful in bringing across all of the ideas and all of the lines I planned to say initially. This was easier than in the last FOA, as the audio was rehearsed, recorded, and edited. I am also relatively confident that the analysis was enough to support the claims I made in my introduction and conclusion. One of the learning outcomes of the further oral activity was "how language and meaning are shaped by culture and context." I do feel as if I achieved this outcome to the greatest extent. I explored how the context, being lower social class, can actually affect the language being used, and the skill with which it is used.

Considering the criterion, in hindsight, I believe that I was strongest in my language and register, having used many more appropriate words, only possible because it was done in the form of a recorded PowerPoint. This outcome was what I hoped for. When I chose the presentation type, my initial intention was to deliver more depth and detail than possible when presenting live. The analysis, again, I fell was adequate in its aims to support my arguments. I hope, in terms of detail, that it surpassed the level of analysis of the previous FOA, which slightly lacked the detail that I was capable of presenting. Another improvement was the timing of the presentation. I made sure that I was within above the minimum boundary, though a little over the time limit this time.

My main focus was how growing up in a lower social class affects language. When giving though to my choice of texts, I realised that rap music and poetry would best reflect my argument, as a large amount of both text types consist of artists describing the struggles of their past. Often this message is conveyed through the language they most identify with. In the case of my chosen text, that language is AAVE, a language critiqued for its lack of 'properness'. Evidence is present, through the content of the text, suggesting that the informal language being used is a result of their past. This answers how context shapes language, as well as the focus question.

Out of this FOA, I have learnt the depths of my topic. I have learnt about how context can shape language and meaning. As for the next time, I hope to stay closer to the time limit. I will also look towards achieving further depth in the analysis of texts. There is always room for improvement in that department. But above all, I will, once again, take confidence with me for the next FOA, because despite whatever my mark will be, I feel that I did quite well for my second FOA.

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